Mission Statement for Trinity Lutheran Women’s League

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Trinity Women’s League began in 1923.  In 1947 it became affiliated with the LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE.

LWML Circle meeting dates and times.

 • Women’s Evening Circle– 1st Wednesday/Month @ 5:45 pm Church Fellowship Hall 

 Chairman - Carla Gardner (Randy) 962-5266 c. 308-995-7198

Secretary/Treasurer: Amy Strand (John) 402-469-5997

Christian Life Rep: Carla Gardner (Randy) 308-995-7198

 • Semi-Annual Meetings (Everyone is invited to attend)

Officers for 2025

 President: Bonnie Helms (Dick)

Pres.-Elect: Linda Wills (Bob)

Secretary: Susan Maaske (Jim) 962-4005

Treasurer: Carrie Farner (Kevin) 308-250-9129

Archivist: Megan Helms 308-258-1389

Human Care: Melinda Gardner (Ryan) 308 655 0281

Christian Life Chairman: Carla Gardner (Randy) 962-5266

Mission Mall Co-Chairmen: Connie Hoefs 962-6789 & Judy Collins 962-7424 c. 962-6211

Christian Life & Community LWML Representative: Shannon Helms (Bryan) 307-240-4772

John and Jenn Wolf serve the Lord as missionaries through LCMS in Kenya. As the Africa region's project manager, John provides oversight and support for projects and grants across the region, with a particular focus on mercy work. He also trains the local people and the local church partners to develop, manage, and sustain projects that support Christian growth and congregational needs across Africa.

To learn more about Jason and his family go to lcms.org/wolf.